If Covid has taught us anything, it’s taught us to improvise, adapt and find creative ways to care for ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. When we couldn’t get face coverings soon enough, we made them… by the thousands. Americans who had never sewn before pitched in, then companies caught up, and now there are cute face masks all over the market. One of our favorite customers hand-stitched buttons to hundreds of Faceplant headbands which were then donated to nurses around the country to protect their ears from the discomfort of face masks.

No hand sanitizer? No problem… first we made it ourselves and then, with their core business and incomes gone, many local distilleries adapted quickly to provide sanitizers to their communities for free or at nominal cost.
I cannot begin to highlight the heroes in our medical communities, and the heroism of our teachers isn’t far behind. In a matter of weeks, they adapted their entire way of teaching to support our children’s learning. (Now granted, we definitely played more video games at our house than normal during Corona-cation, but that’s kind of on me, right?)
The protests sparked by the horrific murder of George Floyd have demonstrated a similar heroism. Despite some small rough patches and looting, the thousands upon thousands of Americans who have shown up to peacefully protest for long overdue change have demonstrated restraint, resilience and positive plans for our future.
My point is this. I’m proud of us. ALL of us. We’ve demonstrated love for each other, strength, perseverance, resilience and respect. We’ve dug in and made difficult choices and commitments. Maybe we haven’t done everything perfectly, but we’ve certainly done it well. We’ve demonstrated our commitment to getting through this together.
Faceplant Dreams was established in 2008 and we’re located in the vibrant and diverse neighborhood of Ybor City. We chose this location because we love the community we found here, and we’re committed to improving it. We believe that education is the best path to equality. If you agree, please consider supporting Academy Prep of Tampa.

Academy Prep provides an un-matched education to students in our own underserved community that sets them up for a lifetime of success. Please consider helping if you can.
Let’s all get educated, shall we?